Dawn VII
We are excited to announce that Dawn VII 2024 will be held in person at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver.
The meeting will be on Wednesday, June 12 – Thursday, June 13, 2024 with satellite meetings on Friday, June 14.
This discussion-based workshop will focus on planning for upgrades to the LIGO detectors (in the 2030-2035 timeframe) and the next-generation Cosmic Explorer detectors, in the context of a global network of future ground-based detectors. A major aim for this meeting is to engage a broad representation of our global community to place plans for new detectors in the context of multi-messenger astrophysics, cosmology, nuclear physics, and astronomy.
Confirmed Dawn VII invited speakers and panelists (more to come soon)
- Riccardo Bassiri (Stanford)
- Suresh Doravari (IUCAA)
- Matt Evans (MIT)
- Andreas Freise (Nikhef)
- Peter Fritschel (MIT)
- Rachel Gray (Glasgow)
- Stephen Green (Nottingham)
- Gregg Hallinan (Caltech)
- Kelly Holly-Bocklemann (Vanderbilt)
- Chuck Horowitz (Indiana)
- Max Isi (Flatiron)
- Joey Key (University of Washington)
- Paul Lasky (Monash University)
- Luis Lehner (Perimeter)
- Den Martynov (U Birmingham)
- Pat Meyers (Caltech)
- Samaya Nissanke (UvA)
- Brendan O’Connor (CMU)
- Antonella Palmese (CMU)
- Michele Punturo (INFN)
- Jon Richardson (UC Riverside)
- Jocelyn Read (CSU Fullerton)
- Bangalore Sathyaprakash (Penn State)
- Francois Schiettekatte (UdeM)
- David Shoemaker (MIT)
- Aaron Tohuvavohu (U of Toronto)
- Vicky Xu (MIT)
Satellite Meetings
Friday June 14
- GW detector coatings
- GW detector technology development
- Multi-messenger astrophysics with GWs
- Machine learning for GW astronomy
Local Organizing Committee
- Jasmine Chipman Koty
- Alex Anees
- Claudia Kee
- Eli Cohen
- Heather Fong
- Rosamaria Fong
- Kirsty Gardner
- Evan Goetz
- Jess McIver
- Jeff Young
Scientific Organizing Committee
- Alessandra Corsi (co-chair)
- Peter Fritschel
- Brian Lantz
- Jess McIver (co-chair)
- David McClelland
- Hiranya Peiris
- Sanjay Reddy
- Patricia Schmidt
- Josh Smith
- David Shoemaker
- Ingrid Stairs
- Jessica Steinlechner
- Nora Troja